36 Top Programming Languages from Easy to Hard to Learn


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A lot of people say “the hardest programming language is your first,” yeah, that can be true for the first few days, but there are some that can remain the toughest programming language for a long time.

Ranking programming languages by their learning difficulty can be subjective, as it often depends on the learner’s background, familiarity with programming concepts, and the specific challenges they find most daunting. However, based on a general consensus regarding syntax complexity and conceptual difficulty, here’s an attempt to rank the list of 30 programming languages from easy to hard to learn:

Programming Language Difficulty Ranking:

RankProgramming LanguageDescription
Beginner-Friendly: Easiest to Learn
1ScratchScratch’s visual interface turns complex coding concepts into child’s play, making it the ideal starting point for beginners, especially children.
2HTML/CSSNot a programming language per se, but HTML/CSS is the cornerstone of web development, offering a gentle introduction to the world of code.
3JavaScriptJavaScript adds interactivity to web pages. Its ubiquity and straightforward syntax make it a friendly next step for aspiring developers.
4PythonRenowned for its readability, Python is a favorite in diverse fields, from web development to data science, making it a versatile choice for beginners.
5RubyRuby, particularly with the Rails framework, offers a productive and enjoyable coding experience, ideal for beginners eager to build web applications.
6PHPOnce the backbone of dynamic websites, PHP remains a solid choice for beginners, thanks to its extensive documentation and community support.
7Go (Golang)Go designed by Google, is a rising programming language known for its simplicity and efficiency, suitable for beginners interested in system programming.
8SwiftSwift’s clean syntax and Apple’s backing make it the go-to for iOS and macOS applications, a good start for aspiring app developers.
9KotlinKotlin, preferred by Google for Android development, combines simplicity with power, offering a gentle slope for beginners in mobile app coding.
10TypeScriptTypeScript builds on JavaScript, adding type safety and tools, ideal for developers seeking to scale web applications with less error-prone code.
11DartDart, primarily used with the Flutter framework for cross-platform app development, offers an easy start with a gradual increase in complexity.
Intermediate: Moderate Difficulty
12JavaJava’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy makes it a constant in enterprise environments, offering a steeper learning curve with robust career prospects.
13C#Balancing simplicity with power, C# is used in game development, particularly with Unity, and enterprise applications, offering a moderate learning curve.
14SQLSQL, essential for database management, is straightforward in its syntax but deepens in complexity with advanced data manipulation needs.
15RustRust, known for memory safety without a garbage collector suited for developers looking to delve into system programming.
16RR specializes in statistical analysis and visualization, presenting a steeper learning curve for those new to coding but invaluable for data scientists.
17LuaLua, often used in game development and embedded systems, is easy to embed but requires a shift in thinking due to its unique syntax and semantics.
18GroovyGroovy, a language that integrates closely with Java, offers dynamic capabilities that can simplify coding tasks but may confuse beginners with its flexibility.
19PerlPerl’s text processing capabilities are powerful but come with a syntax that can be challenging for newcomers, making it more suitable for experienced developers.
Advanced: Challenging to Master
20C++C++ offers unmatched control over system resources and performance but demands a deep understanding of memory management and pointers, posing a significant challenge.
21CC, the ancestor of many modern languages, is powerful but unforgiving, demanding a strong grasp of low-level programming concepts.
22ScalaScala blends object-oriented and functional programming, offering a challenging yet rewarding path for developers seeking sophisticated code design.
23F#F#, standing out in the .NET ecosystem, offers a robust functional programming experience.
24OCamlIt’s known for its expressive type system and efficiency, appealing to those who seek a deeper understanding of functional programming paradigms.
25ClojureA functional Lisp dialect that runs on the Java Virtual Machine, offers a different paradigm that can be tricky for those used to imperative languages.
26HaskellA purely functional language, challenging programmers with its lazy evaluation and type inference, ideal for those intrigued by abstract and mathematical programming concepts.
Expert: Most Difficult to Learn
27Assembly LanguageDelving into Assembly language means interacting directly with hardware, a daunting task requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of computer architecture.
28ErlangErlang stands out for its robustness in building scalable, fault-tolerant systems, especially in telecommunications. Its syntax and concurrency model present a learning curve that is well rewarded in domains requiring high uptime and parallel processing.
29PrologWith its distinct logic programming approach, provides a unique challenge, particularly appealing to those interested in AI and computational logic.
30ElmElm offers a delightful introduction to web development with a strong emphasis on usability and simplicity.
31JuliaJulia combines the ease of dynamic scripting languages with the power of traditional compiled languages, ideal for scientists and mathematicians transitioning to programming.
32MATLABMATLAB, known for its numerical computing environment, is straightforward for beginners, especially in engineering and scientific research, but it becomes more intricate with advanced mathematical modeling.
33FortranDespite its age, continues to be a force in scientific computing, presenting a syntax and programming model that can feel arcane to the modern programmer.
34COBOLCOBOL, dominant in business and finance legacy systems, presents a verbose syntax and a style that can be cumbersome for modern coders.
35BrainfuckKnown for its extreme minimalism, offers more of a brain teaser than practical programming experience, testing one’s ability to manipulate simple operations in complex ways.
36MalbolgeDesigned to be almost impossible to use, stands as the zenith of programming complexity, a language more for deciphering than practical coding.

What makes a programming language easy or hard to learn?

This ranking of programming languages from beginner to pro is a broad generalization and might vary based on individual experiences and the specific contexts in which a language is being learned or used. Each language has its unique set of challenges and rewards, and what might be difficult for one learner could be more intuitive for another, especially depending on their prior knowledge and the projects they undertake.

There are a few complicated programming languages that are not meant for everyone. Any programming language can be easy or hard, depending on your educational background and also your limits. It mainly depends on the logic that you use in your coding to get the output and also the time you spend coding; obviously, you need the practice.

As we have already noted, the list mentioned above about programming language difficulty ranking is entirely on our basis. It can be different for other people, and it ultimately depends on your mindset if you think, “Man!! This is hard” for every language. All of these languages can become your enemy. So, change this mindset and work hard. Happy coding.

Akshay Prakash
Akshay Prakash is a BCA graduate and a passionate newbie programmer. With a keen interest in the ever-evolving world of coding, he delves into the latest trends, updates, and innovations within the coding sphere. Through his captivating and informative writing, Akshay brings coding news to life, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds.

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