Google in a Hurry: Its Generative AI Expands to More Users in Gmail and Docs


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Google is taking its generative AI capabilities to the next level with the expansion of its Trusted Tester program. The program, called “Labs in Google Workspace,” has AI capabilities that can help users with their email and document compositions. According to 9to5Google, the program has multiplied its user base by 10 since its first phase, making it available to a broader audience.

Currently, the program is only available in English and exclusively for users in the United States. Those who have access to the program can find a floating button on their mobiles that reads “Help me write.” Once pressed, users can enter a prompt and receive recommendations from Google itself, allowing them to compose an email effectively. The prompt can include details such as the recipient, subject, and tone of the email. After generating the text, users can refine it using options like Formalize, Elaborate, Shorten, or I’m going to be lucky.

The program also extends to Google Docs, where users can find the same “Help me write” button. Google recommends using instructions in prompts as interactions, which can be summarized using a function that summarizes everything written. Other options in Google Docs include Formalize, Shorten, Elaborate, Express in another way, and Custom. Users can rate the work done by the AI in both Gmail and Google Docs, giving feedback to Google to optimize the system’s effectiveness and capabilities.

It is uncertain whether the program will expand to other languages, but the development of this generative AI technology suggests that Google is taking strides to stay ahead in the competition. Microsoft recently announced news for Bing that includes email composition, making it a race to the finish line for both tech giants.

Google’s expansion of its Trusted Tester program with AI capabilities shows its commitment to using technology to enhance user experience. With this program, users can compose their emails and documents more effectively, saving time and increasing productivity.

Alan Mathai
Alan Mathai is a passionate Flutter developer with a knack for exploring the intricacies of coding tools and open-source technologies. With a deep understanding of the Linux ecosystem, Alan delves into the world of programming, sharing his expertise and insights through his engaging and informative articles. His enthusiasm for all things tech and his commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest developments make him a valuable resource for fellow developers and technology enthusiasts.

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