
Elon Musk Announces Open-Source Release of Grok

Elon Musk has announced the upcoming open-source release of Grok, an AI chatbot developed by xAI, a company under his leadership.  Grok, which has been integrated...

Hugging Face Dives into Robotics with Open-Source Project Led by Former Tesla Scientist

Hugging Face, renowned for its vast repository of open-source AI tools and pre-trained models focusing on natural language processing (NLP), is venturing into the...

Microsoft Faces Scrutiny as Copilot AI Generates Illegal and Disturbing Content

Microsoft engineer Shane Jones stepped forward with alarming revelations about the company's AI tool, Copilot Designer. Jones, identifying himself as a whistleblower, has brought to light...

MoodCapture: Mobile App Uses AI to Detect Depression from Facial Cues

A new smartphone application called MoodCapture is set to transform mental health care by using AI to detect early signs of depression through facial...

ChatGPT Surpasses Human Creativity in Divergent Thinking, Study Reveals

Researchers have demonstrated that ChatGPT, particularly its GPT-4 model, has surpassed human capabilities in creative tasks. The University of Arkansas published a study highlighting the AI's...

Google Genie can Turn Text and Images into Video Games

Google DeepMind team has introduced Genie, an advanced AI model capable of creating interactive 2D video games from mere text or image prompts. Genie represents a pioneering...

Anthropic Raises the Bar with Claude 3 – Outshines GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra in Benchmark Tests

Anthropic has introduced Claude 3, its latest series of AI models — setting a new benchmark for AI intelligence. This latest iteration includes three distinct...

Nvidia CEO Warns: Coding Skills May Soon Become Redundant Due to AI

Nvidia's CEO, Jensen Huang, has made a bold statement suggesting that the advent of AI might soon render traditional coding skills redundant. This assertion, backed by...

Mistral and Microsoft Forge Alliance and the Launch of Mistral Large

Mistral, a pioneering AI startup, has partnered with technology behemoth Microsoft. This collaboration has led to the launch of Mistral Large, a state-of-the-art AI model designed...

Google Secures Access to Reddit’s Wealth of User-Generated Content for AI Development

Google and Reddit have announced a strategic partnership that will see the search giant accessing a vast array of user-generated content from Reddit for...

Stable Diffusion 3 Set New Standards in Generative AI with Improved Multi-Subject Image Generation

Stability AI has introduced Stable Diffusion 3, the latest iteration of its flagship text-to-image generative AI model. This new version promises improved image quality, enhanced performance...

Your Essential Guide to Master in Gemini and Gemini Advanced

Gemini, the multimodal AI from Google, has been giving tough competition to OpenAI, Microsoft, and Anthropic. With its three different flavours, each suited for...

ChatGPT’s New Memory: How It Remembers Everything You Say

OpenAI has announced the introduction of a memory feature for ChatGPT. This new capability allows the AI to remember user inputs and utilize this information in...

NVIDIA Lets You Create Your Own ChatGPT with Chat with RTX

NVIDIA has unveiled "Chat with RTX," a trailblazing application that empowers users to create their very own local AI chatbot, reminiscent of ChatGPT, by leveraging the...

OpenAI’s Sora Transforms Text into Stunning Videos

OpenAI has introduced Sora, a new model capable of converting text prompts into videos up to a minute long. This new model maintains high visual...

Google Gemini 1.5 Setting New Standards Against ChatGPT and Claude with 1 Million Token Context Window

Google has unveiled Gemini 1.5, a conversational AI model that is setting new benchmarks in the realm of natural language processing. This latest iteration, co-developed by...